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Indy Shakes




Directed by Lauren Morris

Assistant Directed by Ryan Artzberger

Pre-show entertainment and food trucks begin at 6pm.

MIDSUMMER begins at 8pm.

The company, board, and staff at Indianapolis Shakespeare Company hope you are as excited as we are that we will be back onstage this summer! We will be performing on not just any stage, but the brand new beautiful Taggart Memorial Amphitheatre stage at Riverside Park!

As always, our performances are FREE to attend so we encourage you to bring friends, family, and share details about our 6 performance dates.

  • Our ASL-interpreted production will be July 29th.

  • This year, we will also be offering two livestream performance dates on July 29 and July 30.

IMPORTANT 2021 UPDATE: We ask that all guests please register through Eventbrite to reserve their FREE ticket. Registration will allow us to monitor capacity during this time of COVID. Register at the button above!

WEATHER INFO: Please monitor your email, Indy Shakes social media, and the Indy Shakes website for any weather updates. In the event of a rain cancellation, all registered attendees will be notified. VIP Ticket purchasers will receive a refund confirmation within 48 hours.


  • Theseus & Oberon: Jen Johansen

  • Hippolyta & Titania: Constance Macy

  • Puck: Joshua Coomer

  • Egeus & Quince: Milicent Wright

  • Bottom: Claire Wilcher

  • Starveling: Chuck Goad

  • Snug: Michael Hosp

  • Snout: Shawnté Gaston

  • Flute: Isaiah Moore

  • Demetrius & Moth: Adam Tran

  • Helena & Cobweb: Kelsey Johnson

  • Lysander & Peaseblossom: Daniel Martin

  • Hermia & Mustardseed: Kim Egan

Jen Johansen (Theseus & Oberon)

Jen is thrilled and so grateful to return to live theatre with Indy Shakes. Past productions include Coriolanusand Hamlet. This is her third professionally produced Midsummer, and her first Oberon. Most recently she appeared in Indiana Repertory Theatre’s streamed production of The House That Jack Built. Additional select IRT shows include: The Syringa Tree, The Game’s Afoot, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Julius Caesar, and A Christmas Carol. Phoenix Theatre productions include: The Christians, The Pill, Hir, On Clover Road, Mr. Burns: a post-electric play, and Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. When the pandemic hit in March of 2020, Jen was portraying Gloria Steinem and nearing the end of a run of Gloria: A Life at The Human Race Theatre Co., her eighth production with them. Jen has also performed at Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, Geva Theatre Center, and Kitchen Theatre Co. She is a Creative Renewal Fellow, IndyHumane volunteer, and a board member of both American Lives Theatre and Summer Stock Stage. She makes her Indy home with her husband Rob, two pups, and a cat.

Constance Macy (Hippolyta & Titania)

Constance Macy played Volumnia in Coriolanus and Paulina in The Winters Tale, both at WRSP. She has been an actor and teacher at the Indiana Repertory Theatre for many years, and has also taught Acting at Butler University where she directed A Midsummer Night's Dream. Her professional acting career has taken her to regional theatres across the country, but she prefers to make the art here. She co-founded ShadowApe Theatre Company with which she produced innovative original work for twelve years. A graduate of Indiana University, Ms. Macy is a Lunt-Fontanne (national) Fellow, a two-time Arts Council of Indianapolis Creative Renewal Fellow, and an Indianapolis Foundation MVP.

Joshua Coomer (Puck)

Joshua is excited to be working with Indianapolis Shakespeare again--this time as a company member! Credits include: Polonius in HAMLET and Jacques in AS YOU LIKE IT with Indy Shakes. A CHRISTMAS CAROL at IRT. ACID DOLPHIN EXPERIMENT, CLARK GABLE SLEPT HERE, NORTH OF THE BOULEVARD and others at Phoenix Theatre Indianapolis. Member AEA.

Claire Wilcher (Bottom)

As a new company member, Claire is thrilled to join IndyShakes once again, after appearing as Phebe in As You Like It. She has just completed her Master of Fine Arts degree in acting from Michigan State University, where she also spoke at several national conferences on her research regarding fat bodies in casting and theatre. Claire is currently accruing hours as an Intimacy Director while pursuing her certification with IDC Professionals. Though she is now based in Michigan, Claire is thrilled to be spending the summer with her theatre family in Indianapolis, where she has enjoyed time on stage with the IRT, Phoenix Theatre, CSz Indianapolis, and the IndyFringe Festival. 

Charles Goad (Starveling)

Chuck appeared in Indy Shakes inaugural production of The Merchant of Venice as well as The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest and Much Ado about Nothing. Indiana Repertory Theatre credits include: Twelve Angry Men, Three Musketeers, The Great Gatsby, Our Town, Driving Miss Daisy, All My Sons, To Kill A Mockingbird, Romeo & Juliet, Othello, Hamlet, and 18 productions of A Christmas Carol. He was a founding member of the original Phoenix Theatre where he appeared in over 40 productions. Favorites there include: Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, August: Osage County, Gross Indecency, November, Shipwrecked, Three Viewings and Whoop-Dee-Doo! Other local credits include work with Actors Theatre of Indiana, Beef & Boards, Brown County Playhouse, Eclipse, Summer Stock Stage and Cardinal Stage. Regionally he has worked at Cincinnati Playhouse, Missouri Rep, and Syracuse Stage.

Michael Hosp (Snug)

Michael is thrilled to play outside again with Indy Shakes! He was last seen as Silvius in As You Like It. Other recent credits include The Diary of Anne Frank and You Can't Take It With You at the Indiana Repertory Theatre, as well as Vino Veritas and Cry It Out at the Phoenix Theatre of Indianapolis.  Michael is a graduate of Butler University and an actor at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. “Much love to my wife, Katelyn."

Shawnté Gaston (Snout)

Shawnté is very proud to be a company member for the Indianapolis Shakespeare Company, where she was recently seen as Rosalind in As You Like It. Some of her favorite shows she's been in include Rent, Twilight: Los Angeles 1992, Yas, Twain, A Very Phoenix Xmas: Merry Superstitious, A Madwoman's Late-Nite Cabaret, To Kill A Mockingbird, and Lysistrata. She can also be seen performing with Sapphire Theatre Company, spreading knowledge about Indiana’s black history through short plays at Conner Prairie, and in classrooms as a teaching artist for IRT. Shawnté is a graduate of the University of Southern Indiana.

Isaiah Moore (Flute)

Isaiah is a local stage and voice actor, a contact representative for the DFAS, and an associate artist for Summer Stock Stage (SSS). You may recognize him from productions by SSS as Donkey in Shrek The Musical and Dogfight. Most recently performed as a playful and inspiring little brother in Indiana Repertory Theatre’s debut of The Little Choo Choo by James Still.  He has performed in numerous productions with Fat Turtle Theatre, Butler University, OnyxFest. Now an alumnus of Butler with a degree in Psychology and Theatre, he aspires to share the human condition’s diverse and integral parts through theatre.

Adam Tran (Demetrius & Moth)

You may have seen Adam in the "before times" at Actors Theatre of Indiana (Elvis in MDQ), Summit Performance (Peter in Silent Sky), or IRT (Donald in As You Like It). You can catch him in August in "Mongrel", which is a one man show created by Adam and Developed with the Know Theatre of Cincinnati (keep an eye on their website for details). Adam is so very excited to be in this cast and is so grateful to Lauren, Ryan, and Diane for the opportunity! As always, Adam would like to thank Kelsey Leigh, who is a perpetual source of love, light, wisdom, and, when needed, humility. Cheers!

Kelsey Johnson (Helena & Cobweb)

Johnson is an actor, writer and educator here in Indianapolis. She received her BFA in acting from Ball State University before continuing as an acting apprentice at Actors Theatre of Louisville in their 2016-2017 Professional Training Company. Some

of her professional acting credits include Helen and Mary Jane with Summit Performance Indianapolis and A Christmas Carol, #MATTER, and The Many Deaths of Nathan Stubblefield at Actors Theatre of Louisville.

Daniel Martin (Lysander & Peaseblossom)

Daniel A. Martin is very honored to be making his Shakespearean debut portraying Lysander in IndyShakes Midsummer Nights Dream. Beginning his career at a very young with the Asante Children’s Theatre, Daniel has continued thru the years showing his passion for the young artist by becoming a teaching artist for the Sapphire Theatre Company. When not teaching, Daniel enjoys making people laugh thru improv. Daniel Is the founder and director of the hilarious group Act A Foo Improv Crew, a quick and witty improvised comedy troupe. Daniel has worked with many theatres such as: Indiana Repertory Theatre, Phoenix Theatre, Indy Fringe, Theatre On The Square, just to name a few. When off stage, Daniel’s in front of a camera shooting commercials. 

Kim Egan (Hermia & Mustardseed)

Kim Egan is excited to make her debut with Indy Shakes. She is originally from Minnesota and has performed around the Twin Cities and Chicago before becoming a hoosier. Local credits include American Lives Theatre (Gloria, Short Play Festival), Fonseca Theatre Company (The Brothers Paranormal), Brooks and Bourke Theatre (The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Hunchback of Notre Dame), Monument Theatre Company (1984), and Fat Turtle Theatre (Adults). Thanks to the cast and crew and you (the audience) for masking up and supporting the return of local live theater. Love to Jeff for his support.

Chinyelu Mwaafrika | Understudy

Chinyelu Mwaafrika is an artist born and raised in Indianapolis. He is entering his third year at Butler University, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Theatre. Aside from his work with IndyShakes, he has previously done work with Butler Theatre, The Fonseca Theatre Company, and the Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette.

Frankie Bolda | Understudy

Frankie is an Indianapolis-based actor, improviser, musician, and IndyShakes Company Member. For the course of a season, she led CSz Indianapolis-Home of ComedySportz as Co-Artistic Director (2020) and EclecticPond Theatre Company as Associate Artistic Director (2016-2017). Performance credits include: Indianapolis Shakespeare Co. (Hamlet, Winter’s Tale), Indiana Repertory Theatre (Little Choo Choo), Phoenix Theatre (Very Phoenix Xmas 13), Cardinal Stage (Complete History of Comedy: Abridged), Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre (Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Abridged, Pride & Prejudice), LAFF Shows (PUFFS-Indiana Premiere), ComedySportz Worldwide, iO Chicago, Red Curb Comedy, and others. Since 2012, she has taught improvisational comedy to young adults, children, and adults who she reminds to play like children. She is an alumna of the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in NYC. Up next, Frankie will be part of the IndyShakes Comedy of Errors Traveling Troupe.



Lauren Morris | Director

Lauren is a native Hoosier now based in Atlanta who received her undergraduate in theatre from Indiana State and worked as an actor and director in Indianapolis (Indy Shakes/HART, Indiana Repertory Theatre, Phoenix Theatre, Children’s Theatre Institute, Lily Theatre, Shawnee Theatre, Brown County Playhouse), before completing her MFA and MBA at Cal State Long Beach, and working as a managing director at the Long Beach Playhouse and Georgia Shakespeare. 
In Atlanta, she makes plays with Théâtre du Rêve as an associate artist, director and deviser (Je ne suis pas Evangeline, Code Noir and Marie Antoinette’s Masqued New Year’s Revolution), and also has worked with The Alliance Theatre (Kendeda Virtual Series), Theatrical Outfit (Unexpected Play Festival), Seven Stages (Curious Encounters), Actor’s Express (Virtual Threshold Reading), Horizon Theatre (The Cake, Apprentice Company Co-Leader, virtual readings), SheATL (Tough Love), and Reforming Arts (making theatre with incarcerated and previously incarcerated individuals). Back home in Indiana, she is truly honored and thrilled to direct A Midsummer Night’s Dream for Indy Shakes’ return to the stage in 2021, and has directed for Crossroads Rep in Terre Haute (Boeing, Boeing; Rabbit Hole; Steel Magnolias; Romeo & Juliet). She was so fortunate to be one of 70 directors from across the globe to attend the Lincoln Center Director’s Lab in New York City in 2018.

Ryan Artzberger | Asst. Director & Asst. Producer

Ryan Artzberger is proud to be an Indy Shakes Company Member, having directed in Hamlet, The Winter's Tale, As You Like It, and acted in Twelfth Night, The Merchant of Venice, In a Dark Dark House, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Othello, and The Taming of the Shrew.

Indiana Repertory Theater credits include: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, God of Carnage, Julius Caesar, Romeo & Juliet, The Heavens Are Hung In Black, Rabbit Hole,Iron Kisses, Our Town, Death of a Salesman, Macbeth, and A Christmas Carol. Credits at The Phoenix Theatre include This, and Reasons to be Pretty, which he also did at The Studio Theatre in Washington, D.C.

Other regional theater credits include: Pericles and Cyrano at The Shakespeare Theatre Company; Pericles and Silk at The Goodman; The Arabian Nights at Berkeley Rep and Kansas City Rep; and Argonautika and The Arabian Nights at The Lookingglass; Hamlet and The Sea Gull at Shakespeare Santa Cruz; Romeo & Juliet at Great Lakes; and The Beauty Queen of Leenane at The Denver Center.

Ryan is a graduate of Ohio University and The Juilliard School.

Nathan Garrison | Stage Manager

Nathan is proud to be a Company member with Indy Shakes, & grateful for the return of live theatre. He is also the Production Stage Manager at Indiana Repertory Theatre, where he has worked for 25 years.

Todd Mack Reischman | Sound Designer & Composer

Todd first worked with Indy Shakes (then known as H.A.R.T.) on A Dark, Dark House in 2009. Since 2013 he has designed sound and composed music for all of their mainstage productions—and performed some of those scores live. During the rest of the year Todd can be found at the IRT where he has been resident sound designer/head of audio since 2002. He also plays music for a variety of projects around town, from rock bands to musicals to Beatles concerts. Todd runs LostSound, a small project recording studio and pro audio company.

B. Sutherlin | Technical Director

B is a local Carpenter/Artist/Craftsman. In his 7th year working with Indy Shakes, he could not be more thrilled to be a part of Indy Shake’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. B also works around the country with various scenic arts companies as well as his own company building sets and scenery for stage, photography and films. As a scenic carpenter B has worked on sets in most of the theaters around Indianapolis and for the last twenty years has been an intricate part of the design and construction of the Haunted House at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. B is also a performing member of The Blue Monkey Sideshow, since 1999.

Bart Simpson | Props & Set Design

Bart holds an MFA in Directing from The University of Texas at Austin. Through the 80s and 90s, he built scenery and props at IRT, traveled to schools across Indiana performing adaptations of Shakespeare with the Indianapolis Shakespeare Theatre Festival’s troupe WILL POWER.

He directed and taught design, creative dramatics and stagecraft at Marian University. Bart also directed plays at the Phoenix Theatre, Theater on the Square, Butler University, and Shakespeare in Garfield Park. He directed Indy Shakes’ first Traveling Troupe production of Macbeth in June 2018 and directed the 2019 Traveling Troupe production of Much Ado About Nothing.

For the last sixteen years Bart has designed and built the Haunted House for the Children’s Museum. Bart can also be seen performing in his role with the BLUE MONKEY SIDESHOW.

Rob Johansen | Fight Choreographer

Rob Johansen has been a professional fight choreographer for 23 years, and his first fight gig was actually a production of MIDSUMMER!  While Rob has choreographed plenty of "serious" fights on stage, his favorites are comic fights.  Along with several productions of Midsummer, Rob's favorite choreography has been The 39 Steps and The Game's Afoot at IRT.  "It's more fun when the audience knows a fight's going to end with a laugh and not a death!"   Rob was lucky enough to act in A Winter's Tale at Indy Shakes a few years ago, under the brilliant direction of Robert Neal.  And Rob is extremely proud to be a company member of Indy Shakes, along with his lovely and funny wife, Jen.

Kevin Caraher | Sound

Kevin has been a Sound Assistant with the Indianapolis Shakespeare Company since 2014, and has Stage Managed the 2019 touring production of Much Ado About Nothing for the Company. Kevin manages his own production group, Stage Door Productions, which had a successful run of Bill W and Dr. Bob at The District Theatre in February of 2020. Stage Door Productions is looking forward to producing the heralded and powerful play People Place and Things at The District Theatre in June of 2022. Kevin holds a degree in Theatre and Drama from Marian University, and has been active doing theatre around the Central Indiana area since 1988. He wishes to thank his wonderful wife Katy for all her love and support!

Mariel Greenlee | Choreographer

Mariel Greenlee is a freelance artist originally from Upstate New York. She received her B.A. in Dance from Point Park University and after some time spent in NYC, she devoted 14 years as a professional contemporary dancer with Dance Kaleidoscope in Indianapolis, IN. She choreographs for both theater and dance and teaches classes in ballet, modern, musical theater and stage movement. She has set work for The Phoenix Theater, Indiana Repertory Theater, Dance Kaleidoscope, Phoenix Rising Dance Company, Indy Summer Stock Stage, Indianapolis Ballet, Marian University, Zach Rosing Productions, Indianapolis Shakespeare Company and Pittsburgh Public Theater as well as various music videos, competitions, and galas. Some theater highlights include The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, Indecent, A Few Good Men, A Christmas Carol, Romeo & Juliet, The Three Musketeers, One Man Two Guvnors, Coriolanus, Peter and the Starcatcher, American Idiot, Next to Normal, Into the Woods, Hamlet, Putnam County Spelling Bee, Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson, Spring Awakening, Mr Burns: a Post- Apocolyptic Play, Urinetown, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, A Very Phoenix Xmas and many more! Mariel received the Individual Artist Grant from the Indiana Arts Commission in 2007, and in 2010 she was awarded a Creative Renewal Arts Fellowship from the Arts Council of Indianapolis. In 2017 she was chosen as a project choreographer for the Regional Dance America National Choreographers Initiative program, and is excited to be among the 2021 fellows for the OnRamp Program through the Indiana Arts Council as well. She thanks her friends, family, husband and sweet baby boy for their unwavering love and support.

Finnegan Chu | Costume Assistant

Finnegan is a rising BFA 4 Costume Designer attending The Theatre School at DePaul University. She is so excited to be working with Indy Shakes again after being a costume intern for Hamlet in 2019! While they live in Chicago, she originally hails from Fishers, IN. They are currently designing Peerless in the Fall at TTS, and will be designing Much Ado About Nothing in Spring 2022.

Brittany Hayth | Sound

Brittany has been with Indy Shakes since 2018 and is always thrilled to spend summertime with this talented company. She's worked on the main stage productions as well as with the 2019 Traveling Troupe. During the rest of the year Brittany can be found at the IRT working as the lead audio engineer under Todd Reischman. 

Brit has done work for Footlite Musicals, IndyFringe Theatre and the Indianapolis Artsgargen. Her long-standing gig has been with her alma mater Lawrence Central High School as their sound designer/engineer since 2013.

Laura E. Glover | Light Design

Laura E. Glover is the Resident Lighting Designer for Dance Kaleidoscope and the Phoenix Theatre, as well as a company member of Indianapolis Shakespeare Company. She also has also designed lighting for the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Time for Three, Indianapolis City Ballet, the Indiana Repertory Theatre, Butler University, Wabash College and the University of Indianapolis, where she taught for 18 years.

She has worked internationally with the Martha Graham Dance Company, Rioult, Taylor 2, Todd Rosenlieb Dance, Ballets de San Juan and Workshop Theatre Group. Her dance lighting includes over 200 world premieres and the reconstruction of the lighting of Jean Rosenthal, Thomas Skelton, Jennifer Tipton, and David Finley.

She is a Creative Renewal Arts Fellow with the Arts Council of Indianapolis and holds an M.F.A. in Lighting Design from SUNY Purchase, where she studied with Brian MacDevitt and William Mintzer.

Guy Clark | Costume Design

Guy Clark is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College. He manages the Indiana Repertory Theatre Costume Shop. During his twenty-one year career in professional theatre, he has created costumes for many original Broadway productions, including The Phantom Of The Opera, Cats, and The Lion King. In 2007, Aretha Franklin commissioned him to design and build a dress for her performance at that year’s Grammy Awards ceremony, and the following year, he created the two gowns she wore to President Obama’s Inaugural Balls. At the IRT he has designed costumes for And Then They Came for Me, An Iliad, The House That Jack Built, God of Carnage, I Love to Eat, Fire in the Garden, and Mary’s Wedding, as well as The Mountaintop.

Matt Shives | Assistant Stage Manager

Matt is thrilled to be making his Indianapolis Shakespeare Company debut! Previously, Matt worked backstage on over 30 productions spanning 7 seasons at the Indiana Repertory Theatre. Around Indianapolis, Matt has also worked with Dance Kaleidoscope, Phoenix Theatre, and Summer Stock Stage. Matt was a member of the production team for the Pepsi Super Bowl LIV Halftime Show featuring Jennifer Lopez and Shakira and has worked other NFL events featuring artists that include Madonna, Meghan Trainor, Demi Lovato, Yolanda Adams, and Meek Mill. For television, Matt has worked on The Voice (NBC), First Responders Live (Fox), Encore! (Disney+), Dear...(AppleTV+), Vault (Peacock), Tough as Nails (NBC), Predator at Large (ID), and 90 Day Fiancé (TLC). Matt holds a BA in Theatre Design and Production from Purdue University and lives in Indianapolis with his wife and son.

Jeff Mountjoy | Sound Engineer

Nolan Brokamp | Production Manager

Nolan Brokamp (Production Manager) Is excited to see the new amphitheater at Riverside Park come to fruition. He has worked at Indy Shakes for several seasons and loves working with these amazing artists and humans. During the year he is the Technical Theater Director and Teacher at Park Tudor School.

George Bartley | ASL Interpreter

George Bartley lives in Indianapolis and has previously interpreted 25 Shakespearean plays. Midsummer marks the third play he has interpreted for IndyShakes. George has studied at the University of Virginia, Harvard Graduate School of Education,`has a BA in Interpreting for the Deaf, and a Masters from the American Shakespeare Center.

George currently does a podcast called Celebrate Poe. The podcast, about the life and works of America’s Shakespeare - Edgar Allan Poe, has listeners in over 45 countries.



John Chung | Sound Intern

John is a sound engineer and editor from Indianapolis. He received his BA in Sound for the Performing Arts from Purdue University and is currently a sound engineer for the STAR Bank Performing Arts Center in Zionsville. He is honored to join Indy Shakes for A Midsummer Night's Dream. 

Rebekah Radloff | Lighting Intern

Rebekah is a recent graduate of Marian University with degrees in Theatre and Communication. She has been a part of many Marian shows during her time there. Her main focus is stage management but she is excited to work with lights this year. She has worked with Indy Shakes previously on “Hamlet” and her other professional credits include “Be Here Now”, “Helen”, and “Where We Stand” with Summit Theatre Performance. She is very excited to be working with Indy Shakes again this year. 

Niamh Langfitt | Costume Intern

Niamh is excited to join the summer 2021 production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in her home city of Indianapolis. She graduated from Indiana University’s Fashion Design program in 2019 and has since worked as a costume and wardrobe assistant for the Indianapolis Ballet on various productions, as well as a stitcher for Theatre at the Center’s production of White Christmas. In her spare time Niamh loves to design knitwear, read, write, and talk to her cat.

Niamh Langfitt | Costume Intern

Niamh is excited to join the summer 2021 production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in her home city of Indianapolis. She graduated from Indiana University’s Fashion Design program in 2019 and has since worked as a costume and wardrobe assistant for the Indianapolis Ballet on various productions, as well as a stitcher for Theatre at the Center’s production of White Christmas. In her spare time Niamh loves to design knitwear, read, write, and talk to her cat.

Corey Cagle | Stage Management Intern

Corey Cagle is a senior at the University of Evansville, majoring in Stage Management for Theatre and minoring in Sociology. Corey has most recently stage managed zoom productions Richard II and Hotel California at UE and is looking forward to working in live theatre again. 

Gabe Escoto | Marketing & PR Intern

Gabe Escoto is a senior at Tarleton State university they are majoring in a BFA in theatre. You can find them on the stage performing the night away or painting a face or doing design work all around. He will be graduating this upcoming December.

Audrey Maue | Set & Props Construction Intern

Audrey Maue is very excited to join Indy Shakes for the Summer 2021 production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream as a set and props construction intern. She is an undergraduate student currently attending the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, studying entertainment engineering & design with a theatre minor. Her stage work began with various high school productions, such as In the Heights and Once on this Island, where she worked in props design and construction, lighting design, and stage management. Other theatre credits include a production intern for Indiana University Summer Theatre’s production of Little Shop of Horrors and a stage manager for UNLV Second Stage’s Immortal Fear.

Sophia Kalscheur | Community Engagement

Sophia has been in theatre since she was twelve years old. She volunteered at Conner Prairie History Museum for several years and was involved in small community theatres around the Indianapolis area. She is currently a senior at Marian University studying theatre and history with aspirations to direct after college.

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